最高人民法院荣誉上校. 罗伊·W. 老白肋,. 遗产日将于8月11日举行. 18


程控营销 & 战略沟通

081222 - colroywburley - 350 x425.jpgSt. 菲利普学院将在一天内举办六场典礼, including an oak tree dedication in honor of the late Col. 罗伊·W. 老白肋,., unveiling of Saint Philip’s Way and the ribbon cutting on four new buildings.

活动将于早上7:30开始.m. 在沃尔特斯街附近的橡树旁. 及应用科学大楼(ASB).

Col. 伯利, a longtime 圣安东尼奥 resident and advocate for underserved populations, will be remembered with a plaque at the site of a tree that once stood on his homestead.

伯利 is a 1940 graduate of Phyllis Wheatley High School on 圣安东尼奥’s Eastside. He went on to earn two college degrees: a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from the University of Nebraska Omaha, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Education from Prairie View A&M University and completed further studies at the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥 in Human Resource Management.

Lt. 创. 约翰R. 埃文斯,小.,指挥官,U.S. (北方)军队将向金正日上校致敬. 伯利’s 30-year military career that spanned WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

Colonel 伯利 joined the Enlisted Reserve Corps as a student at Prairie View A&M学院(现为Prairie View&M大学).

1943年5月,他被征召入伍, sent to the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) at Howard University in Washington, D.C. 1944年12月, 伯利 was commissioned a Second Lieutenant after graduating from Office Candidate School.

He was stationed in Germany, the Philippines, Thailand and on numerous posts in the U.S. His duty assignments ranged from brigade level commands to staff positions with the Department of the Army and Senior Operations Advisory to the Royal Thai Army. Col. 伯利于1973年退役.

SPC总裁博士. 阿黛娜·威廉姆斯·洛斯顿将向上校致敬. 伯利在圣安东尼奥的文职工作.

退役后, 伯利 served on the University Health System Board of Managers for 14 years, 包括担任两年主席. His leadership led to the purchase of the former Lutheran 创eral Hospital and the establishment of the Texas Diabetes Institute, one of the nation’s premier diabetes treatment and research centers.

Col. 伯利 also held positions as executive coordinator of the 圣安东尼奥 Alliance of Business and the Private Industry Council, executive director of Bexar县 Opportunity Industrialization Center (BCOIC), an organization that employed and provided job training to local underserved populations, 以及USAA的人事主管.

He served the Honorable State Representative Garlington Jerome “G.J.萨顿区. 57-E), as well his wife, the Honorable State Representative Lou Nell Sutton (Dist. 57-E),担任行政助理多年.

The 伯利 family will attend, including two of his four children – 罗伊·W. 小伯利. 和南·伯利·里奇.


Ribbon Cutting for Saint Artemisia Bowden Building, 8 a.m.
克拉伦斯·W的剪彩仪式. 诺里斯大厦,9a.m.
为威廉剪彩. 哈金斯健康大厦,10 a.m.
Ribbon Cutting for Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts Building, 11:30 a.m.

有关遗产日的更多信息,请访问 阿拉莫.edu/spc/legacy-day.

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